Introducing our new brand: Kovalee

Since 2020, we’ve been empowering mobile app creators. We use science and data to turn any app into a worldwide champion.. We partner with app owners via the publishing model, and we bring their apps to the top charts thanks to our unique in-house tech and expertise.
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Kovalee Team
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"Thousands of talented app creators build amazing products but can’t successfully scale, because they don’t have the knowledge, the tools, the expertise or money to compete with big companies who are trusting the top charts. With Kovalee, they get a chance to become category leaders, without spending a dime."

Philip Seifert - Head of Apps at Kovalee

During the early days of the app stores, the apps with the best content were naturally #1. Today, the #1 in a category is often the app with the more money: we are here to change this and to give back the power to app creators.

We believe in a world where any great content creator can make its app the #1 in its field, regardless of its resources. We believe that there are thousands of diamonds out there, waiting to be revealed by our tech and our new brand reflects just that.

The new brand: Why Kovalee?

Graphite and diamonds are both made exclusively of carbon. In the process of turning graphite into diamond, the carbon atoms are rearranged into a covalent structure. This covalent structure gives diamonds their beauty, strength, and longevity. We bring covalence to mobile apps. We transform apps with potential into worldwide leaders.

We are Kovalee.

New art style, new logo

We wanted a logo that conveys the idea of the diamond and relate it to mobile apps. It also had to be very minimalist and straightforward. Indeed, the shape of the diamond came naturally.

We turned the “K” of Kovalee into the “App Download” arrow. The K completes the diamond, echoing our mission to reveal the full potential of any app we partner with.

The association of the diamond, the download icon and the K of Kovalee gives the logo its distinctive shape

As for the color palette, we created something evocating the dispersion of light when it enters a diamond. Those color schemes, which can be rearranged into gradients, are kept together by an almost black graphite background.

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